'The corruption of words is easily discerned when the truth is felt.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'When we talk about the word ‘corruption’, what often comes to mind are images of the mafia or dodgy business dealings. Whilst these are obvious forms of corruption, is it possible that corruption represents much more than this?' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'We can all relate to what it is like to manipulate our loved ones to get what we want. However, if we continue to use corrupt ways to get our needs met it will never work in terms of advancing us as a species, and perhaps 'to get my needs met' is one of the greatest excuses we use to justify its existence'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Corruption is a huge world issue and as a community we ought to discuss how and why it occurs. Apart from the obvious forms of corruption, there are many more subtle forms that need to be exposed as being corruption if we are to address the epidemic it has become. For example, if we express dishonestly in any way to our children, this needs to be exposed as a form of corruption. It is not about being hard on ourselves but getting really honest about how we actually conduct ourselves with others on a daily basis. By addressing corruption on a personal level, corruption in the world will cease'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'If we want to address corruption in society we also need to address it within our own homes, for example in the way we sometimes manipulate our loved ones to get what we want. Only when we are prepared to address corruption on a personal level will corruption in the world cease.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
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