'When we withdraw from life we set ourselves up to experience all the typical symptoms of depression. This type of withdrawal is an inner withdrawal, and may involve a person physically withdrawing from people or employment but not necessarily. And whilst a person may feel justified in their reason to withdraw, it is nevertheless always a choice that we make that need not be.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'When we withdraw from life we set ourselves up to experience all the typical symptoms of depression. This type of withdrawal is an inner withdrawal, and may involve a person physically withdrawing from people or employment but not necessarily. And whilst a person may feel justified in their reason to withdraw, it is nevertheless always a choice that we make that need not be.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist 'One of the main symptoms of depression is lack of energy, and often clients will report feeling chronically exhausted. Feeling this way in their body it is no wonder a person will have lack of motivation and negative thoughts, which are other common symptoms of depression. Hence the importance of supporting the body to have more vitality, for how can a person think positively if their body feels lousy?' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Depression has become a very big global problem, and has far reaching effects not only on a person's personal life but also on the economy. There is much treatment available for depression today and yet this condition continues to increase substantially. More community discussion is needed about depression, the effect it is having on our lives, and how we can do our part in addressing it by changing our lifestyle choices'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'When it comes to depression, it is super important to support our bodies to feel more vital and not just try to deal with it with our minds. After all, how can you think positively if your body feels lousy?' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
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